Day 6
Not much to say really, as expected I'm fairly slow but at least I haven't fallen off my bike. I have a new cycling group and it really did make all the difference. Mainly as they go at my speed which means they have to listen to my jokes. Today we entered Scotland and I'm happy to say it was boring with me just following the wheel of the person in front of me for 66 of the 100 miles. But boring is a good thing following the adventures of the last two days. More to follow but to paint a picture of day 5: it ended with the medic placing a foil blanket over me in my tent as I was lying in the foetal position trying to eat jelly babies. I have attached a photo of the said blanket. Runningimp is a funny name in retrospect.
There is good news in that I only have 3 days left, the less ideal news is that tomorrow is our longest day, extended to 134 miles because of a mudslide. Currently my tent is flapping around in what can only be described as a storm and to make matters more interesting this wind is forecast to remain for tomorrow.
This makes me so angry I'm going to cycle through Scotland harbouring every possible stereotype.
My primary objective in the next few days is to practice my Scottish accent on the locals. I have numerous scots in my cycling group, all of them had to hear how much I hated cycling and what I thought of cycling in their country.
Luckily one of my Scottish colleagues gifted me a crib sheet of Scottish lingo. Being the culturally sensitive man I am, Here are the most appropriate.
Howzitgaunchief? - Apparently means how are things with you this fine day.
Yer like a hauf shut knife - supposedly means you are looking a trifle fatigued. How apt.
On yer bike pal - it's time for you to leave now.
Stoatin aff the grun so it is - the rain is torrential and bouncing off the ground.
In other news, I'm again sleeping at a racecourse, earlier I was prancing around the pre viewing area (uncertain of correct technical name for this). I include a picture of my tent and one not so far away that has been dislodged by the wind and me "borrowing" a few pegs to anchor mine.
Now both my knees are hurting every time I peddle. Slightly unfortunate given I need to do quite a bit of that.
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