Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Day 4

Writing this blog makes you realise how slowly the days go by, it's only day 4.

So funny story...day 3 was meant to be a rest day but I went at it too hard once again. Luckily day 4 could be a rest day where we take it easy and conserve energy. One little climb in the morning and then fairly flat for the rest of it.

Turns out I was severely dehydrated yesterday and the days before, hence my nausea. To remedy this I drank far too much, which in turn causes mainly logistical nightmares. Getting out of the tent to use the toilet 4 times a night, finding a suitable spot to urinate in every five minutes, does Louise wait or cycle slowly for me to catch up, for example. Turns out you can't pee in villages, or behind cars or even on some fields. Some farmer shouted "oi don't p*ss on my field". Luckily I was already on my bike and shouted back "well don't farm on my toilet". Matter settled, then I fell off my bike.

Anyway I digress. The funny story, about today being a rest day is that Louise and I chose to make a detour and add 10 miles to our overall trip. Our journey, if I manage to complete it, will be lands end to John o groats via a dual carriage way full of trucks and a typhoon of a head wind. All in all, energy well spent.

In other news my knee is in agony but the physiotherapist is beautiful, so every cloud. I got a puncture but was saved by one of the chaperones who actually knew what he was doing. Hard to even pretend you are in control of things when you aren't and have streamers.

I nearly forgot, this is the second night in a row that I'm sleeping on a racecourse. It is raining and is likely to continue raining tomorrow, heavily. This war of attrition continues.

1 comment:

  1. Tommy. Let's hope that tomorrow you can strike a balance between superhydration and dehydration. Avoid angry farmers and dual carriageways! Keep up the brilliant effort. You are almost half way there!
    Best wishes
    Wilma (Louise's Mum)
