Even taking my increased food bill out of the equation, this has been the most expensive hobby I have ever taken up. To put it in context, I have racked up more on cycling gear in a month than I have it 6 years playing golf. To kick things off here is a photo of me trying on my new over shoes.
In roughly the order I bought things:
- Shoes and cleats £90
- Pink Giro jersey £55
- King of the Mountains jersey £65
- Rain jacket £70- Bib shorts £79
- More bib shorts £70
- Socks £15- Gloves £35
- Helmet £75
- Lights £28
- Spedometer £29
- Saddle pouch £20
- Pump £13
- Transport to Land's end £50
- Bike transport to Land's end and back £100- Washing service during tour £35
- Flight back from inverness £80
- Cost of changing flights to the right day £68
- Spare inner tubes £15
- Anti chaffing cream £16
- Bike (yes I had lights before a bike) £600
- Tools £32
- Arm warmers £28
- Bike bag £70
- Bubble wrap £25
- Bib shorts £80
- Overshoes £27
- Base layers £75- New saddle £52
- Bike service £55
- Name tags for clothing £3
A few of the things I've learnt:
1) Get the bike first
2) I have the worlds most expensive bubble wrap
3) Get the name tags right, as they come in packs of 75
4) It may have been cheaper to rent a pony
5) My gloves give me positively unecessary tan lines (see below)
Annoying...when the look I was going for (below) was achievable. This look is sometimes refered to as the "Coward on tour"... you know who you are.